Become a Mentor

We are looking for mentors to help our companies scale their businesses. We welcome your expertise and time. The process to become a mentor is simple. Complete the application and your name will be added to our mentor pool. If our company has a need that is in your wheelhouse, we'll reach out.

Benefits of Mentoring:

Sharing knowledge and expertise: Mentoring provides an opportunity to share your knowledge, skills, and experiences with a business owner who may benefit from your insights. By passing on your expertise, you can help them navigate challenges, avoid common pitfalls, and accelerate their growth.

Expanding professional network: Mentoring a business owner connects you to individuals that are committed to building companies and solving problems. Engaging with entrepreneurs and connecting with their networks can lead to valuable connections and potential business opportunities for you.

Personal fulfillment: Mentoring is an incredibly rewarding experience. It allows you to make a positive impact on someone's life and contribute to their success. Seeing a mentee thrive and achieve their goals brings a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Learning and growth: While mentoring, you will also learn and grow as a mentor. Engaging with a business owner can expose you to new perspectives, innovative ideas, and different industries. This exchange of knowledge and insights can broaden your own understanding and enhance your professional development.

Building leadership and communication skills: Mentoring supports the development of your leadership and communication skills. Guiding and advising Scratchpad companies requires effective communication, active listening, and the ability to provide constructive feedback.

As a "thank you for mentoring" you are invited to attend a private event with our cohort and strategic partners. Details to follow.

Apply to be a mentor

If you are interested in joining our mentor network, please complete the application below and your name will be added to our mentor pool. If our company has a need that is in your wheelhouse, we'll reach out.

We ask that our Mentors follow an industry standard Code of Conduct: